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Interview Prep Flashcards

So you secured the interview. It’s the six-figure role you’ve always wanted.

Suddenly your stomach drops. Your throat dries up, and your back begins to sweat. (Just me?) The pressure is on and you don’t want to fail. You’ve got the skills and expertise to land the job but need help conveying your message.


How do you describe ALL of your experience without being too long-winded? How do you find the happy medium of sounding confident without coming off cocky? How do you remember how to ask questions and express curiosity?


Having interviewed thousands of candidates, we developed this tool to be a comprehensive list of the interview questions to ensure you own your interview with confidence.

Download our interview flashcards and weave them into your interview preparation. Each card includes helpful hints on how you could frame your answers, and there’s even room to write down your and practice your own talking points on the back

We don’t want you to simply pass this interview; but conquer them all with confidence.